
Whimsical Spring Garden Themed Pre-Wedding Session at Glendon College

March 26, 2017

Glendon College Engagement Session with Whimsical Garden Theme

Sheryl was the type of bride who knew exactly what she likes – botanical, structural yet soft, and almost fairytale-like. Well this pretty much describes the Glendon Campus at York University, to which she and Kevin excitedly agreed to.

Of all Toronto’s campuses, Glendon comes closest to resembling a country club. It began life in the 1920s and still kept its Italianate charm to this day. Their pre-wedding session ended up reflecting much of an impressionism charm, with a soft and dynamic mix of pastel colors that felt immersive of the garden’s whimsical vibe.

Glendon Campus Prewedding Session pink dressGlendon Engagement preweddingToronto Spring Prewedding photoGlendon Campus engagement photoGlendon campus prewedding sessionToronto Prewedding Session at glendon campusToronto York University Glendon Campus Prewedding bride portraitToronto Prewedding photo Glendon CampusToronto Prewedding photoGlendon Campus Prewedding Session photoGlendon Campus Prewedding Session BackyardToronto Prewedding couple portraitToronto Prewedding Sesssion photoEngagement Session Glendon CollegeYork University Glendon Campus prewedding portraitToronto Prewedding Session York University

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